Just a weekly update

Spencer is still trucking along.  Yesterday he had his 8th cancer treatment.  He still has a sick stomach occasionally, but for the most part he has had very few side effects.  No signs of his infection coming back, so that is great.  Still no signs of cancer.  YAY!

This week was Halloween.  Not Spencer’s favorite holiday since he really thinks he needs to approve anyone who comes to our door.  He also seems to think that our fall wreath is a person on our porch, which means he is constantly alerting me to an intruder.

Today Spencer and I walked down to the bus stop to find that there were some guys there digging up some sort of utility access.  I didn’t even have Spencer’s leash with me and I could tell 2 of the guys were none to sure about this dog running towards them.  One said, “hey, um, is he cool?”  I assured them he was, called Spencer to come back to me, which he did reluctantly.  The we got to our normal spot and I told him to lay down, which he did.  The guys were quite impressed with how well behaved he was.  Then we had the normal questions about if he had been hit by a car (no) and comments about how great he seems to have adjusted.


Author: justjac

Spencer is our 5.5 year old Doberman. He was diagnosed with an aggressive fibrosarcoma on 8/22. He had his left front leg amputated on 8/24/11. Finished 15 weeks of chemo on 12/22/11 (mytox and vincristine). Lung mets found 12/28/11. Fought hard and lived a full life right up until the end. Went to Heaven 2/28/12.

5 thoughts on “Just a weekly update”

  1. Did they give you Cerenia for the tummy troubles? If not, you should ask your doctor about getting some. That always helped us when we were having issues post-chemo.

    Glad your boy is doing so well.

    Micki and Rio

    1. I have wondered about this… So far the oncologist keeps saying that as long as Spencer is still eating, mostly feeling well and only having occasional stomach issues that they don’t recommend any sort of stomach medicine.I hate for him to have to even deal with occasional stomach issues though. 🙁 He has had a good week though, no throwing up for a week now. He still has some stinky gas though! Our family vet did give me the doses for cimetidine and pepto to give him, so I think I might try one of those if he has any more throwing up…

  2. Glad to hear Spencer is doing well.

    Halloween sure isn’t a holiday for dogs, is it?? Almost as bad as 4th of July!

    Hope he continues to do well,
    Jackie, Abby’s mom

  3. Nice to hear that he’s doing so great.

    Cute Halloween comments…my Rumbles loves to meet and greet at the front door. So Halloween is his kind of day!

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