I don’t know what to think…

I had never seen any of the “weakness episodes” that Spencer had when staying with my mom.  And after what she saw, I watched him like a hawk; but nothing.

Until Friday.  We went down to take pictures of friends for their holiday cards and Spencer went with us since I don’t like to leave him home alone for too long.  he mostly hung out in my car (the temps were good outside, the car stayed about 70 inside).  One time I took him for a walk and it was like he went to turn around, got confused, laid down for a few seconds, stood back up and his back left leg didn’t seem quite normal.  Kind of stiff.  Within a minute he was completely normal and I wasn’t even sure if I just imagined it.

Then on Sunday we were up at the cabin.  The stairs to the top floor come into a small landing.  If you go straight you go out a door.  To the left and you go in the guest bedroom.  To the right gets you into the family room.  I had come down the stairs as Spencer walked towards me into the landing area.  I continued walking to the family room.  I heard him slip, then fall, I turned around and he was going up the stairs; but kind of not as stable as normal.  He got to the top, then turned around and came back down, seemingly fine by then.  It seemed like he had decided to turn around in the landing area, slipped, then went up the stairs to turn around up there.  Who knows, maybe when he slipped and fell it hurt a little, resulting in his less than stable climbing of the stairs… I guess it would hurt ME if I fell down.

And since then, nothing.  I have been watching, watching.  But nothing.  And both of these times it wasn’t anything that I was even definite was off.  Just maybe off.  Definitely enough that I’m bringing it up at our weekly appointment on Thursday…

So, keep fingers, toes and paws crossed that this is nothing and Spencer is still fine.