Last night’s sunset

As you guys know, yesterday was a hard, and crazy day.  Normally, on Mondays the kids go to school, they get off the bus, the twins have 45 minutes of swim team practice, then I drop the girls at dance class and my son at gymnastics.  I then head back to pick up the girls and eventually either I or my husband go and pick up my son.  So as it is, Mondays are normally a little bit hectic.

But with Spencer’s death yesterday things were different.  My mom picked all of the kids up from school around 11:30.  After we left the vet they went to lunch with my mom and step dad, then the kids came back home.  The twins wanted to skip swim team, which I was perfectly fine with and the girls wanted to skip dance, again, I was fine with that.  My son decided that he wanted to go to gymnastics though, because to him, “gymnastics is the happiest place on earth!”  <3   Now… my son does gymnastics practice for 3 hours.  Like I said, it is drop off, then go back later.  At drop off I stayed for a bit and talked to a friend.  Then the girls and I got back in the car and drove home. Right when we pulled into the driveway my older daughter said that he left his snack bag in the car.  Argh.  BACK we went, and this time in traffic.  But, just before we turned into gymnastics we saw this beautiful sunset and right in the middle of the brightest point there were 2 clouds (likely made by airplanes since they were straight lines; but they were much puffier than normal stuff left by planes).  The lines crossed and looked like a cross right there in the brightest point of the sunset.  The girls and I decided it was God letting us know that Spencer was in Heaven and he was OK.   Then a minute later we saw another set of clouds like this; but smaller.  These looked almost purple against a pink sky.

After we dropped off his snack (just in time) I took the girls to get a milkshake since there was no point in heading back home at that point and we saw a 3rd cloud formation like that!  It really did feel like a special sunset to welcome a special dog.