Another c&p of an update to my friends:
Poor thing can’t catch a break!! On Thursday we went to the vet to get stitches out and I noticed another spot. It was about the half the size of the palm of my hand. The doctor looked at it, said it was trauma, NOT another tumor. Said to watch it; but it should heal fine.
Friday it was fine. Saturday it was fine. Saturday evening it was starting to look questionable. Yesterday it looked gross. Today it looked AWFUL. Took him in first thing in the morning. The vet took one look and said we have to do ANOTHER surgery. She suspects a spider bite. Even speculated about a snake bite! I assured her it couldn’t be that because since the biopsy a month ago he has not been outside by himself at.all, so if he had gotten something as major as a snake bite I would have been right there to see it happen. There is a slight chance that it is some sort of trauma that has gotten a nasty infection; but the likely culprit is a brown recluse spider.
So, Spencer goes in tomorrow morning first thing for yet another surgery. His 3rd in 4 weeks. Hopefully they can get this all cleared up.
On the plus side, other than trying to lick it, he doesn’t seem bothered by it! he is running, jumping and even starting to learn how to lift his leg to pee!
and an update on 9/13/11:

Just gotta say, cutest. picture. EVER! LOVE IT!
Jenna & Spirit Chili Dawg
aww, thanks. This one is getting printed big to go over the fireplace! 🙂